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Target Classification Samples

Following are examples pulled from our training documentation. These examples, along with many others, are used to standardize our training process and ensure our analysts correctly classify the targets we find.

Click on a link to see examples in a Flash viewer.

Green Pools These target pools are likely mosquito producers. They are translucent and range from green to black in color.

Half Empty Green This is a pool that has any amount of water less than full. Despite the label, the water may be brown, yellow, or green. There may be visible sludge in the pool. These are particularly hazardous since they are excellent breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Empty Pools This is a pool that has no water, sludge, or visible residue. Any water that collects, if not drained, can quickly lead to mosquitoes. Another hazard that empty pools pose is that the drainage system may contain stagnant water that is not visible from the air.

Murky Pools This is a pool that will be turning green within 1-2 weeks. There is only slight discoloration and is usually bluish green. The bottom of the pool may be difficult to see and shadows from surrounding objects become fuzzy when projected through the water onto pool walls.

Questionable This is a pool that does not fall under other categories but may need inspection. It may have a dark bottom or look potentially indistinguishable from a healthy lawn.

Reservoir This may be a swale pond or other reservoir that is completely green.

Beaver Dams Some counties have targeted broad areas where beavers create environmental damage. Our images can help you pinpoint these areas.

Adobe Flash player must be installed to view these samples. You can download it here if you do not already have it.








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Copyright © 2007-8 Aerial Survey Services
Last modified: 04/13/09